Geestmolenhof vacation rental: A Perfect place to stay for business or vacation in the Leuven area!

Geestmolenhof is a restored 19th century farm situated in the middle of the fields of the Hagenland. In 2012, the old carriage barn was transformed into two charming and luxurious vacation rentals. The rural character and the charm of Geestmolenhof will certainly be appreciated by anyone looking to relax and vacation in a quite area; the luxury, the comfort and the autonomy also make it a perfect place for longer term stays or for business trips.
Explore Geestmolenhof
  • Vacation

    ● enjoy the gardens and the rural surroundings
    ● biking and hiking the Hagenland
    ● city trips to Leuven and Brussels and explore Flanders
    ● perfect balans between style, comfort, charm and luxury
  • Business

    ● tijdelijke betrekking aan één van de vele innovatieve kenniscentra in Leuven: KULeuven, imec, Pellenberg, Gasthuisberg
    ● temporary housing for international assignment or relocation
    ● business flat with smooth connection to Leuven, Brussels and Zaventem
    ● perfect combination of an efficient business flat and a relaxed vacation home
  • Personal

    ● temporary place to stay during renovations in your primary residence
    ● quiet place to recharge your batteries during difficult times
    ● flexible place to stay close to loved ones staying in Gasthuisberg or Pellenberg